Foxton Granta CC News story

Foxton CC AGM

10 Jan 2013

Dear All
You will shortly be receiving formal AGM papers, but at this time I thought it would be useful to announce the date for your diary.

TUES. 5TH FEBRUARY, 2013, 8 P.M.

After last years successful season we need to keep the momentum for this year, myself and Gareth would really appreciate your support, I know for youngsters it can be a chore, but its your club so PLEASE make the EFFORT and attend.

For the guys who are working away or at Uni, we are happy to see a parent attend on your behalf, the same applies to all parents of Colts, come and see what we are trying to  achieve at FCC.

Probably our biggest target of 2013 as well as retaining the title is to really strengthen the position and numbers of the 2nd team.

We are currently in the process of trying to attract as many players as possible of all ages and abilities to join us at Foxton CC, so if you have any names of players who might want to play at FCC, then let us and them know.

Best Regards
Matt Gray
Cricket Manager